Do What We Want, Not What We Think We Should

August 17, 2020
To avoid lines at Disney one has the ability to sign-up for 3 Fast Passes. These passes are the equivalent of the Willy Wonka Golden Ticket, allowing you to skip waiting 2-3 hours in line.  We ...
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by Erik Qualman

Less, But Better

November 9, 2020
German designer Dieter Rams is considered one of the best industrial designers of the 20th century. He is credited with hundreds of iconic products—everything from the Oral-B toothbrush to home audio equipment, Braun coffee makers ...
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by Erik Qualman

How Kids Spell Love 

September 21, 2020
Understand that kids spell love T-I-M-E. When I travel for work, in their minds I’m gone for essentially two workdays. Hence, upon returning, it doesn’t make sense to them why I will often go into ...
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by Erik Qualman

Focusing on Saying “No”

August 4, 2020
Like many of you, I skew toward being a people-pleaser. And, like most people pleasers, I find it difficult to say “no.” I’m constantly looking for tricks and hacks to help me say “no.” One hack ...
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by Erik Qualman

Focus Animals

November 29, 2020
There are numerous reasons why we find focusing difficult, but most of us embody one of the following four focus animals: Hedgehogs, Squirrels, Chameleons, or Army Ants. By identifying which spirit and characteristics we embody, ...
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by Erik Qualman

Super U Podcast | 7 Super Tips with Jason Sudeikis

July 22, 2022
Jason Sudeikis, an American actor, comedian, producer, and writer, gives us insights on how improv and comedy help shape ideas. In the 1990s, he began his career in improv comedy and performed with ComedySportz, iO ...
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by Erik Qualman

Super U Podcast | 7 Super Tips with Ray Dalio

December 7, 2022
In today's episode, Erik chats with Ray Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater Associates. Ray gives us insights on his framework, decision making approach, meritocracy, and truthful conversations. Ray Dalio is an American billionaire investor and hedge fund ...
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by Erik Qualman

A Simple 3-Step Game Plan to Mindfulness

September 22, 2017
A Simple 3-Step Game Plan to Mindfulness We all have endless to-do lists. Shopping lists, book lists, five-year career plans, lists of unread emails to respond to and tasks to complete… The list of lists goes ...
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by Erik Qualman

Reasons Why You Should (and Shouldn’t) DIY this Holiday

November 21, 2017
Reasons Why You Should (and Shouldn’t) DIY this Holiday The smell of pumpkin spice lattes and Michael Bublé music in the air means the holidays are here and the coming weeks will be joyfully (and stressfully) ...
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by Erik Qualman

Three Steps to a Healthy Relationship with Technology

October 23, 2017
Three Steps to a Healthy Relationship with Technology The digital age is full of surprises. New technologies are constantly popping into our lives. In just the past couple of weeks, we have been introduced to emoji ...
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by Erik Qualman
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