
Super U Podcast | The Power of Company Values

On today’s episode, Erik sits down with the co-founder and CEO of Thrive MarketNick Green. Thrive Market is a membership-based market that makes high-quality, healthy, and sustainable products. Erik and Nick discuss the Thrive Market’s mission, the role of a CEO in a purpose-driven company, the importance of management and employee feedback, perks for employees in a virtual work force, and the future of conscious consumers.

5x #1 Bestselling Author and Motivational Speaker Erik Qualman has performed in over 55 countries and reached over 50 million people this past decade. He was voted the 2nd Most Likable Author in the World behind the Harry Potter series.

Need a sneak peek? Below are the main takeaways from the episode.

Super U Podcast | The Power of Company Values

Episode Preview: 

“One of the big motivators for me in starting Thrive Market, the big motivator was my own childhood growing up in Minnesota with a mom who was trying to get healthy at a time when like, there wasn’t the internet didn’t exist, basically. And there wasn’t a lot of information out there. And like her biggest challenge was figuring out what healthy meant, like doing her own research. Now the biggest challenge actually is filtering through the noise and knowing what is actually healthy, what is actually sustainable, what’s real, versus what’s just optics. And that’s where I think actually our role has become like you said at that curator. And, and that we’ve done since the beginning in terms of like the, we have 5000 products on site, if you go into a typical grocery store, and the categories that we carry, you’re going to have 40,000 or 50,000 products, so we don’t want to show people 30 almond butters, we want to show them the five or seven that are going to be the ones that are really high quality. But the way we think about it is that we’ll do the work for you. So you can outsource your trust to us. And that actually is a way that we make it easier for our members while also aligning to our values even more.”

“…and it’s really been the same lens with our employees like we want to empower them and create a culture where they feel real ownership, where they see how their work connects to the mission, where they see how what we’re doing in the short term connects to the long term. And so a lot of my role is like context, context creation, it’s making sure that the right stories are getting told. It’s making sure that people see the connective fiber between day-to-day work and long-term vision. And it’s also being like a real sort of Defender of the culture and the mission. I think one of the greatest challenges as you scale, especially as you scale fast, is that growth can really dilute some of that stuff. And it can force you to be focused just kind of keeping the whole machine assembled. Versus like really stepping back and looking and saying, is this still doing the things that we want it to do?”

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The Super U Podcast is hosted by #1 bestselling author and Motivational Speaker Erik Qualman.

About the Author: Erik Qualman

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