
Super U Podcast | Peyton Manning

On this episode of the Super U Podcast, Peyton Manning, former quarterback, five-time NFL MVP, and 2 time Super Bowl Champion gives us insight on how to handle hardships and how to never give up. Click here to subscribe to the Super U Podcast. Need a sneak peek? Below are the main takeaways from the episode.

Super U Podcast | 7 Super Tips with Peyton Manning:

[0:56]  “Don’t let expertise silence you…” 

“Don’t let expertise silence you. Work to find new solutions to old problems. Think outside the parameters that restrict other people’s thoughts. Just because you’re a novice on the job, just because you haven’t faced the same challenges. Just because you haven’t climbed the same cliffs doesn’t mean that you can’t contribute to solutions in very significant ways. When you’re chided for your naivete, and you will be, remind your critics that an amateur built the ark, experts built the Titanic.”

[2:58] Keep At It

“My very first NFL game, I completed my first pass to the Hall of Fame running back Marshall Fall. I threw a touchdown in that same game to Marvin Harrison, who would be inducted into the Hall of Fame this August. The quarterback for our opponent the Miami Dolphins was, after my dad, my favorite player, Hall of Famer Dan Marino, who on the first third-down of the game completed a 25-yard skinny post. And it was the damndest throw I’d ever seen. Later, I completed the pass to tight end, Marcus Pollard down the middle. And somebody hit me really hard. And after I got up, I told myself, “I know I can play in this league.” Later in that struggling season, we played in and lost to Baltimore. It was the first time that the Colts had returned to Baltimore since they moved back in 1984. We didn’t exactly get a warm reception that day. Fans are screaming at me and I kept thinking, “Hey, I was only eight years old then, get off my back.” I had met him once before but when the game was over, I had a chance to shake Johnny Unitas’ hand. He told me Peyton you stay at it. I’m pulling for you. Well, I have stayed at it. I stayed at it for 18 years. And I hope that old number 19 is up there with this flat top and maybe his black high tops on. And I hope he knows that I have stayed at it. And maybe he’s even a little proud of me.”

[5:50] Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail

“Hard hits or not, I don’t believe there’s any way to over-prepare for your future, have a formal plan, have a backup plan, and have a backup to your backup plan. My preparation begins by watching game tape of our team and competitors. It helps me put the pieces of the puzzle together. years ago, I had a system put in my house where I can analyze every game every competitor without having to go into the team’s practice facility. So if you asked me how long do I watch game film to prepare, I couldn’t tell you because I’ve never kept a clock. I just watch until I feel ready. I watch and I prepare, I can actually get lost in the intense focus of figuring things out that others may never even look at. If you really want to be a game-changer out there. become a master observer. Just the willingness to stop and look at things that no one else has even bothered to look at enables game-changers to identify real points of meaning the simple process of focusing on things that are normally taken for granted can be a source of great power and creativity. I’m a naturally curious person I want to know and thoroughly understand things. We learn. We observed. We pick up on clues, we figure things out. That is what preparation is all about.”

[9:12] Enjoy the Moment

“Well, I’ve always had a passion for the game. But when you are out for a year, you certainly miss certain things being in that huddle, flying back on the plane after a big victory, the weight room, and after practice throwing sessions with your receivers, they’re going to make a difference and help you win a game on Sunday. You just don’t get to participate in those activities when you’re not playing and you’re injured. So to get back out on the field, I have more of an appreciation for the little things. Everybody enjoys playing football in the games, but I have more of an appreciation for the small details the things that you don’t that want me to do after you stop playing football. So those moments have been even more special.”

[11:55] No Regrets

“I look back on my NFL career. I’ll know without a doubt that I gave everything I had to help my teams walk away with a win. There were other players who were more talented. But there was no one who could out prepare me. And because of that, I have no regrets. There’s a scripture reading 2 Timothy 4:7 “I have fought the good fight and I have finished the race. I have kept the faith.” Well, I fought a good fight. I finished my football race. And after 18 years, it’s time. God bless all of you. And God bless football.”

[14:59] Keep Going, Don’t Quit

“Folks we need fans in the stands. That makes the game that much more fun to play. But you have to decide, do you want to make things happen? Or do you want to watch things happen? And I found that people who watch things happen are usually left wondering just what happened. Let’s face it, football is a game. But for me and the others who make up the National Football League, it’s also our profession. And there’s a lot more to succeeding in the NFL than most people think. A big part of my life is spent on the football field, a field with very clear boundaries, very strict rules, and no margin for error. Yet, it’s that same field that is forever broadening my experience, widen my perspective, and given me the space to run toward my most distant goals. Success changes as surely as the seasons do. It’s a journey, and the goals that we reach correspond directly to the distances that were willing to go. In my opinion, our rewards are directly proportional to the efforts that we make. In college, my business teachers use the term ROI, return on investment, football coaches call it working your butt off. Growing up, my family often spoke in terms of a climb to the top of a mountain, because no one just lands on its summit. But no matter what words or images are used, it all really amounts to making the conscious choice to keep going to keep doing a lot more are in some instances, even an incremental amount more than is asked of us that is expected of us are more than our competitors are willing to do. It’s really about not quitting at quitting time.”

[17:07] Embrace Your Team

“This class is the picture of diversity, yet we learn to excel in a game, or individualism only got in the way of winning. Because once we became part of a team, nothing else mattered quite as much. We hoisted our personal dreams onto the shoulders of 84 other men and those men helped us carve out our futures and brought us to this stage tonight. At times in our lives, we all faced our own headwinds. As someone once said, “You’ll never meet a strong person with an easy past.” We’ve all been calloused and scarred each of us can proudly say we have emerged standing. With all of our differences. The game of football is what unites us and despite what some see only as a game will forever be linked as members of this class.”

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The Super U Podcast is hosted by #1 bestselling author and Motivational Speaker Erik Qualman.

About the Author: Erik Qualman

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