
Super U Podcast | Focus Habits from The Sprinkled with Hope Podcast

Focus habits are very difficult to maintain in today’s unfocused world. On this episode of the Super U Podcast, today Erik is interviewed by Jason and Shane from the Sprinkled with Hope and he discusses focus, growth, relationships, and empathy.

5x #1 Bestselling Author and Motivational Speaker Erik Qualman has performed in over 55 countries and reached over 50 million people this past decade. He was voted the 2nd Most Likable Author in the World behind Harry Potter’s J.K. Rowling.

Need a sneak peek? Below are the main takeaways from the episode.

Super U Podcast | Focus Habits from The Sprinkled with Hope Podcast:

On writing The Focus Project…

“And the reason I went down the path and it’s a project was because literally, day after day, my head would hit the pillow my hair and feel like is on fire. And then the breaking point was like Christmas Eve, this is really Christmas morning. It’s like three in the morning, we’re doing a project with a client, and all of our clients are amazing. This one… we weren’t hitting the same stride, so to speak. And they’re taking up all of our time and it was a little contentious, it was wasn’t a positive probably for either side. And so we had six months left on the contract and the reason that contract for this particular initiative is built the way is, that the first three months are gonna stink, you’re not gonna see any movement. It’s like if you hire a coach at the gym [and] you go work out the first day like, “I didn’t see any change.” We go, “Hey, this is gonna take some time. So we got to go through the pain, then you’ll see the results at this at the back end.” That’s why these contracts can be six months. So by the legal standpoint of it, we could hold the contract. But literally, I get this email, “Kill the contract.” And I’m answering this email on the morning of Christmas. I got young kids, and I almost ruin Christmas because they could hear me doing stuff… And I’m like, “What am I doing?” It was just all those repetitive days of hair being on fire, I was enjoying my life but at the same time I go, “Gosh, this is crazy. Like I own my company. I own the time.” So then I started asking everybody whether it was the CEO or a school teacher. And I’m like, Yeah, I can’t focus. Like I got all this stuff. And then at the end of the day, I felt like I was running 100 miles an hour. I didn’t get anywhere, I was focused on the busy, not the big. And so that’s why I went down the path of doing a two-year project, just to test all this stuff to figure out what works, what doesn’t, and then put it in the book.”

On Human Nature & Connectivity…

“One question I get a lot is, “What’s going to change the next 10 years?” And I go, “a better question to ask is what’s not going to change?” Because that’s something we can build a business around. And so if you think about Jeff Bezos at Amazon, 10 years from now, there’s not gonna be a customer that comes up to him and goes, “Hey, Jeff, can I have a little less variety on your site? And can you have it shipped slower, and a little more expensive?” That’s not gonna happen. So you know that they want more variety, they want it cheaper, they want it faster, and so that you can build a business around. Now for all of our listeners out there, what we need to do is you gotta understand that technology changes every second. But human nature never does. So it’s that combination of the Jetsons and the Flintstones. And so this year has been a great reminder of it because I’ve been talking about Digital Leadership for nine years. And it kind of pulled everything forward five years. I always say, look, it doesn’t replace the coffees. It doesn’t replace the lunches. But when time, distance, and in this year, safety is an issue. This is a way for us to deepen relationships. And that’s what it’s all about lifestyle about those relationships. So it doesn’t matter if it’s offline. Again, offline is better for relationship building. But when time distance and safety are an issue, this is how you layer in that digital piece. And so it’ll be interesting to see how this plays out. All winners basically removed friction, which means they give us time back. So let’s stick with Amazon, they removed the friction of me going to the store, they removed the friction of me worried about if it doesn’t fit, I can send it back. So it removes any friction. That is who is going to win. Duolingo it’s a learning app. It’s got 300 million users for languages, it removes the friction because it’s free and it’s on my phone. And I can speak to it and it understands that I’m speaking Spanish if I said it correctly, so it’s just amazing. So we live in the best time ever. There’s a lot of downside to some of this stuff. but the net is positive, you want to live right now and tomorrow is gonna be even better.”

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The Super U Podcast is hosted by #1 bestselling author and Motivational Speaker Erik Qualman.

About the Author: Erik Qualman

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