
Super U Podcast | 7 Super Tips with Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez, famous singer, actress, and dancer gives us insight on her Super Bowl experience, how her kids changed her, and where she gets her inspiration.

5x #1 Bestselling Author and Motivational Speaker Erik Qualman has performed in over 55 countries and reached over 50 million people this past decade. He was voted the 2nd Most Likable Author in the World behind Harry Potter’s J.K. Rowling.

Need a sneak peek? Below are the main takeaways from the episode.

Super U Podcast | 7 Super Tips with Jennifer Lopez:

[2:30] Tip #1

“It was about 10 years since my kids were born, they turned 12 last Saturday, about 10 years where I just decided that I was going to work in a way that I hadn’t before. And I was gonna grow in a way I hadn’t before. Once you have kids, for me, what happened was I realized I had to do better. And I was doing okay, I was doing good. But I had to do better. It’s like what you said to that lady in the audience like you have to take care of yourself. Yeah. So you can take care of your kids. And, and that’s what happened. And I think last year This or this year, that’s happening. Yeah. My 50th year, which is crazy to think that that happened. It doesn’t mean anything to me. I honestly feel the same way I did when I was 28 and put out my first record. I do. And I think it’s a mindset of just continuing to realize that I’m still growing and so long as I’m still growing there’s still somewhere to go that there’s more to journey that just because I turned 50 It’s not over.”

[4:31] Tip #2

“We’re starting certain things I knew when they asked me to do the Super Bowl. I was like, I’m gonna close let’s get out. And that was a definite and I knew that I wanted to put forth a message. Because I knew who I was representing. I knew I was representing. Not just myself but for women, Latinos, and everybody and all humans. And what I wanted everybody every little girl and I decided I was gonna put Like, I was like how many girls we let me have on the field? They were like, you can have 50. And I was like, Okay, I’ll take it. And I just wanted them what the message that was very clear to me that needed to be said was, be proud of who you are. And don’t ever be afraid to use your voice and get loud in the face of injustice, or anything that you don’t agree with.”

[6:02] Tip #3

“I mean, I started my work with the Children’s Hospital and I met a whole group of kids. And Paige came down to the set. And I just got to know her very well. And I remember her so because she was talking about her hair, and how she missed her hair and actually had a hat on and I was like, well, it’s beautiful. Even when you don’t have the hat on, you look beautiful. And it was just she just touched me so much. And in the struggle. You know what a sick child goes through and it’s just they’re still just kids, you know, and they just want to be hanging out and doing their thing and she’s a little girl. And I just when she passed away was right around the time before my album came out and I just knew that I was wanting to dedicate the album to her because she had touched me so much, you know.”

[7:53] Tip #4

“When I was putting the Vegas show together, I thought we have to have a great Latin section. And I think it’s because it’s one of the things that I do that nobody else really does in American music, you know that they can kind of go-between those two worlds. And dance in that way. And that really is honestly, probably where I feel most comfortable. You know, because I grew up around it. My mom Oh, I just every holiday was no English music. It was all Spanish music. We hated it. But you know, because we wanted to hear whatever was cool music at the time. But all the parents wanted to hear only Spanish music. So I grew up with it. And it is so in my blood. As far as how I move even when I dance hip hop, I feel like it has a little bit of a Latin flair to it. You know what I mean? It’s just who I am. And I didn’t realize the power of that. As far as how it relates to me as an artist until I did the Celia Cruz. I knew when we did Selena, but it wasn’t until years later when I did the Celia Cruz tribute on the American Music Awards, how much an American audience loves it, how they respond to it. And I was like, wow, because we just, we did this whole thing for Celia Cruz on an English Program in front of an English audience. It was the biggest thing on the show. It was just crazy. And I was like. “Wow, they appreciate this when I do this.” You know, and I just wanted to say like I think about my audience and I think about what my fans want. I think about what people want to see when I’m doing a show. I feel like that’s my responsibility as a performer and so I wanted to make sure we had a great Latin section in the show.”

[10:35] Tip #5

“Well, here’s what happened. I had the kids. And I started working on some more music. And I don’t know, I just kind of had, I started thinking about life in a different way. Like I said, I started asking more questions of myself of love of what was right what was wrong, all because I wanted their life to be great, too. You know, and I knew for their life to be great. My life had to be great. And I needed to fix some things. And that is where all kinds of music came from. And on the floor, the minute I heard it, even though it’s not a romantic notion, or some deep song was a straight, you know, beastie dance song, but the minute I heard it, it was it became my anthem. You know what I mean? And I was like, remember, I was working with Red One. And he played me like 10 songs. It was like, Oh, yeah, we’ll do this one, this one. And then this little room they were working on on the floor, and I kept going into that little room going, what are you going to be done with this? And he’s like, we’re not done yet. I was like, you’re just right. The second person, let’s go. I mean, this is the song and I knew it. I knew immediately that that was the song. It had the mix of Latin and a mix of kind of rapping in the verses and it was everything that I was wrapped up into one and it was also saying, you know, you gotta go hard. You got to get on the floor. You got to get yourself together. You have to do this right now.”

[13:02] Tip #6

“For me, Live Music has always been such a big part of my upbringing, when you know, at Christmas time, all we listened to was salsa and merengue, and you know, when you’re young, you’re like, I hate this music. I want to hear hip hop, I want to hear pop music, I want to do this. And they love you know, my parents and my grandparents. They always like instilled that in us and I didn’t realize how much a part how much it seeped into my blood and into my, into my makeup that it would be a part of me in this way as I got older and how much I’m connected to, you know, Latin music and, and how much you know, it just I just loved it. I grew to love it in such a way that I growing up in the Bronx I didn’t think I would like it was not the cool thing. And now to see it kind of permeate the streets in the way that it has because it’s really the urban Spanish music, the song, all of that stuff, right? That has kind of taken over. It’s so much fun. It’s pop music now. It’s pop music now. And so for me, you know being part of what they call the Latin explosion with Ricky Martin and mark and Anthony and V gateless. And Shakira back in that time where it was like they called it the Latin explosion, all of it all of these artists came out at the same time. It’s crazy to see it now. And we have to sing English music but now it’s like Spanish charts right? It’s a whole different movement.”

[16:06] Tip #7

“And it’s still not great now, just for a caveat, right? But back then it was just like, how am I going to be an actress and in my mind, I was like, I want to play the girl, the woman, right? Just not the Latin woman in the Latin role where you think I should play, you know, you know, the cook, or the nanny, or something like that, right? That I wanted to be the lead, I wanted to just represent for everybody, and make everybody see that didn’t matter if you were Latin, or black or Asian or whatever, you’re a girl. You’re a human being. And so there were those challenges of breaking through that. And when I got my first romantic comedy, I remember thinking, I’m the girl. I did it, you know, or when I got, you know, even the movie Anaconda and it was me and cube, you know, you know, starring in an action movie. And we weren’t gonna get killed, we survived. He did not get killed in the first few minutes. Right. I did not get killed in the first few minutes. Everybody else died. And that was groundbreaking. And it was very challenging at that time. Really, really hard. And I think now it’s more accepted. And But still, I mean, the lack of representation to move, please is still like 6% I think there was like, I remember I was at some conference. And this woman was talking about how we needed more diversity and films and people producing and everything and that the two films that were produced and started by lighting people were mine. It was just my two that year.”

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The Super U Podcast is hosted by #1 bestselling author and Motivational Speaker Erik Qualman.

About the Author: Erik Qualman

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