Should Social Media Be Age-Gated?

Should social media be agegated at 14? 16?

As the author of Socialnomics, you might be surprised to know that I advocate for policies protecting tweens and teens from using social media. Florida recently passed a bill banning usage for anyone under 14 years old. This is a step in the right direction. Personally, I’d love to see it at 16. Why…

    1. Girl suicide rates have increased 87% in the social media era.
    2. Please see #1.

Social Media is like lead in the water. Remember when we used to let kids ride in the car without seatbelts? Smoking indoors? Asbestos? Drinking and driving? We learn and adjust. It’s overdue for a social media adjustment.

If you have anyone under 16 in your life, the video above is a must-watch. It’s less than two minutes long but will shock you.

Read more on age-gating social media for kids on our blog here.

About the Author: Erik Qualman

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