LinkedIn: Re-Engineering the Cold Call
LinkedIn: Re-Engineering the Cold Call
90% of decision makers say they don’t respond to cold outreach, while conversely 80% of warm introductions generate a sale.
Leverage your network on LinkedIn by identifying the best path for a referral or introduction into a hot prospect. Find the warmest entry path and write introductory messages that can’t be ignored.
For example, say I want to connect with the CMO of Old Navy:
1. Find the Connection:
Go to the LinkedIn search bar and type “Old Navy CMO.”
The profile for the CMO of Old Navy appears and, lucky for me, I’m a 2nd connection with him—meaning that I have a direct connection with Jamie Tuner and Jamie Turner has a direct connection with the CMO—YES!
2. Get Introduced:
Get introduced by using either the
- LinkedIn introduction link
- LinkedIn email
- InMail (paid)
- Regular email (e.g., Gmail)

Linkedin Connection Tip
Seem too aggressive? What if the person doesn’t drink? Do your research to craft the best personalized message possible—for example, you may find a picture online (e.g., Facebook, Google Images, Flickr, etc.) of John drinking a beer at a Red Sox game that can give insight beyond what is listed on LinkedIn. The key to good communication lies in prior preparation and research. Still unsure? Play it safe: say coffee soon and display images of coffee.
This type of warm approach works best. Don’t believe me? Let’s go straight to the source itself—LinkedIn’s own sales team. That’s right, they need to sip their own champagne when they are selling their premium services—the LinkedIn management team demands it of the LinkedIn sales team.
Yes, the LinkedIn sales team uses the premium services they sell. What is their #1 source of revenue? Warm introductions. Per the chart below, 32% of LinkedIn revenue comes from warm leads. Moreover, warm leads have a 23% higher average deal size and are 37% more likely to close than other lead sources.
To learn more check out my new book: How to Sell on LinkedIn
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