
Navigating the Future with ChatGPT Founder Sam Altman

Sam Altman an American entrepreneur, investor, and programmer. He was the co-founder of Loopt and is the current CEO of OpenAI. He was the president of Y Combinator and was briefly the CEO of Reddit.

5x #1 Bestselling Author and Motivational Speaker Erik Qualman has performed in over 55 countries and reached over 50 million people this past decade. He was voted the 2nd Most Likable Author in the World behind Harry Potter’s J.K. Rowling.

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Navigating the Future with ChatGPT Founder Sam Altman

Episode Preview:

“We have figured out how to make legitimate intelligence in a computer. It’s not a parlor trick, it actually learns, it actually can like, combine concepts in novel ways it can configure out new things. And this email, you can see this now starting to really take effect with some of our products, we have something called co-pilot with Microsoft developers that use that it’s now writing half their code, there’s an AI doing half of people’s jobs, we have another thing called Dali, which does generate images. And there’s a lot of benefits to that it’s, you know, generating 10s of millions of images a day for people. But that’s something like all Illustrators’ jobs. So this is like, and then you have our text models like GPT, three and beyond, that are doing a very wide array of tasks, but but we have actually figured out how to put human like cognition into a computer. And that I think, will be the most significant shift, probably, that we see in our lifetimes of the technological landscape, I think this will be bigger than any of the great technological revolutions of the past, like this will be bigger than the industrial revolution, it will change every aspect of society. And I think it’s going to be on the whole, just tremendously good, but but it will certainly be a disruptive time.

I think there’s like a lot of crap written about productivity secrets on the internet, and people sort of like get into this thing where they spend more time, like trying to be productive about their productivity system and actually getting things done. I will say I think that Well, I’ll say two, I think pieces of advice that aren’t obvious one is is, I think far more important than any particular system is just figuring out the right things to work on. And so all of the time that people spend with like this new productivity app, or that or whatever, would be better spent, like really trying to think diligently about I have the same number of hours as anybody else, what am I going to spend them on. And getting that right is more important than exactly like being perfectly productive with those hours. A big part of that is not doing things that waste time, I think if you can just like focus on the things that are important and not do the things that waste time, you can be fairly sloppy with productivity otherwise, and you’ll still get far more done than most people. That’s, it’s really hard to do that. The other thing that I think people don’t think about enough, is figuring out your own personal rhythms of productivity. And there’s a huge variance, I’ve noticed between people that figure this out, and don’t. So like, for me, personally, it turns out that I am most productive if I go to sleep late, wake up late, and then keep the first three or four hours of the day. And don’t schedule any meetings, like work from home, like get through my list of stuff, then. And then like pack all my meetings when I’m kind of less productive, just grinding stuff out or thinking creatively, in the afternoon. And like, it took me some number of years to figure it out, because it didn’t like, fit well with the work schedule I was naturally in. But then I was like, Alright, if this is like the thing that makes me most productive, then I’m gonna like make my whole schedule work to support that. And that was like a really important change for me. So I think figuring out your own personal, like, optimal times to work on what kind of different things. People don’t really talk about that much. And at least for me, it had a huge impact.”

Connect with Sam Altman:

Twitter X: @sama

Instagram: @samaltman99



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