My Footprints 

As a youth with little a plan, My dad oft-asked, “What footprints are you going to 

leave in the sand?” 

It meant little then, But with time, it became a motivating line. 

If up to me, What will be, My ultimate legacy? 

A legacy for me, It would seem, A far off, lofty dream. 

After all, who am I? I’m just average, Somewhat shy. 

Then I realized something, you see, It is up to me, My ultimate legacy. 

My grandchildren and great-grandchildren, What will they see and think of me? What is my legacy? 

Will they see that I pursued my dreams, Or that I settled, For something in-between? 

That I lived a life doing what I loved, Or one filled with, Should’ve, could’ve? 

Footprints remain for all time, So I can’t commit, The ultimate crime. 

What is that crime, you say? It is, of course, Not seizing the day. 

Yes, before I die, I’d rather fail, Than not even try. 

I will reach for the sky, Laugh, And cry. 

I’ll cry from joy, not sorrow, Because I lived for today, And planned for tomorrow. 

My legacy, You see, Is truly up to me. 

That’s my view, But now I ask, What will you do? 

Poem by Erik Qualman 




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About the Author: Erik Qualman

Often called a Digital Dale Carnegie and The Tony Robbins of Tech, Erik Qualman is a #1 Best Selling Author and Motivational Keynote Speaker that has spoken in 49 countries.

His Socialnomics work has been featured on 60 Minutes to the Wall Street Journal and used by the National Guard to NASA. His book Digital Leader propelled him to be voted the 2nd Most Likeable Author in the World behind Harry Potter's J.K. Rowling. Qualman is a sitting professor at Harvard & MIT's edX labs.

His latest book What Happens in Vegas Stays on YouTube is a Pulitzer Prize nominated work.
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