
Monday Morning Mojo with Equalman

Recently, Equalman was featured on the Monday Morning Mojo podcast. And now, we’re reposting that episode here on the Super U Podcast. The Monday Morning Mojo podcast (new episodes every Monday) is hosted by Anna Gibbs. Anna is a business leader, coach, consultant, author, and speaker who has dedicated her career to helping others succeed both personally and professionally. Regardless of what business you might be in or what personal path you might be on, Monday Morning Mojo will equip you with the tools you need to take it to the next level. In this episode, Erik and Anna talk about Erik’s journey to becoming a successful keynote speaker and writing his bestselling book The Focus Project.

Need a sneak peek? Below are the main takeaways from the episode.

Monday Morning Mojo with Equalman


“What’s the most challenging part of being an entrepreneur today?”

“It’s always gonna be people. So if I speak to a bunch of entrepreneur groups, I got a funny question once. [Someone] raised their hand like, “Yeah, can I start a company that doesn’t involve any people?” We’re not there yet, but with AI coming, who knows? But as we look at it, it’s really just, how do I manage people, and how do I work with people? And so as any entrepreneur, that’s going to be the key. The key to your success is, do you have the right people on the bus? Success isn’t a singular thing, right? You’ve got to have people surrounding yourself with the right people. And so it’ll always come back to the people and people, it’s interesting. Relationships are all based on questions. So the better your questions, the better your relationships can be. So the more you’re good at asking questions, it helps.”

“So what are you doing to grow yourself personally? What are some things that you do within your days or months that is about really, like moving the needle or sharpening the tools in your own toolbox?”

“I think that for me and a lot of folks out there, you like to have diversity in what you do. So I’m learning Spanish right now. My wife’s fluent in Spanish. She speaks Spanish with the kids, and so it’s been a long process, but I’m getting better and better. I’ve been learning it for 10 years, but it’s something that I look to as a break, also it helps my mind think differently, and then also just it helps me feel fulfilled, because I’m getting better every day at something, and that’s really what fulfillment is, is, are you growing at something? And so that’s something that’s in the toolkit.

Instead of going on hikes, I’ve gotten really into golf. I stopped playing tennis because I was getting hurt too often, so now I’m just out on the serene golf course. And even if I normally like to play with people, because you [get to] meet new people; if I’m by myself, it’s great. It’s just like a long, long hike. And so far, I’m still young enough where I can get better. That’s where I’m worried, like, when I stop getting better, what’s the fulfillment going to be? It’s going to be interesting. I think that a lot of listeners out there kind of wrestle with that. You’ve got to come to peace with that, because [when] you’re younger and growing, you always have the chance to kind of be [better.] Let’s say golf, you’re not going to be better at 70, you just can’t hit the ball as far. And so Jack Nicklaus [for example], I mean, you’re seeing him, [he] can barely hit the ball right now. So it’s, it’s like, over time that’s going to happen. So that’s just something on the horizon that we need to figure out. And fortunately, [I’m] not there yet, but it’s really just [about] trying to figure out, what’s the other thing that I can do that brings that fulfillment well?”

Connect with Anna Gibbs:


Instagram: @coachannagibbs


Learn more about the Monday Morning Mojo Podcast here.



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The Super U Podcast is hosted by #1 bestselling author and Motivational Speaker Erik Qualman.

About the Author: Erik Qualman

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