Equalman Answers Your Questions about The Focus Project

Equalman Answers Your Questions about The Focus Project

Recently, Equalman was invited to join an online Q&A session hosted by the NIBCO Women’s Book Club to answer a few questions about his #1 bestselling book The Focus Project. And now we’re posting that Q&A session here on the podcast. Erik answers questions and offers advice on Digital Leadership, vision boards, staying focused, how to limit your kids’ use of cell phones, and handling burnout.

Need a sneak peek? Below are the main takeaways from the episode.

Equalman Answers Your Questions about The Focus Project

Episode Preview:

“But for me, it’s trying to pause occasionally, especially when I’m doing the vision board, it’s almost not even the next 12 months. It’s I like to jump five years, 10 years down the road and go, What would I regret not doing? So what would I regret not trying and failing at it might be I fail at it. That’s fine, but that usually helps set the guide for it. That’s why family is always easy. Because, you know, if you talk to people that work in hospice, it’s not the person who goes, I should have worked more hours. It’s like I should have put more time in the family. So I want to make sure I don’t make the mistake that we have all these learnings from for these 1000s of years. But yeah, that’s a good way to do it. It’s kind of look five and 10 years down the road and go, What is the one thing that I would regret the most if. I didn’t do it, and it’s a good question. One of these is, I got this kiddy corn game. It’s a board game that helps keep kids off of their screens. So that was a big thing, right? It’s something tangible. It’s like, let’s get that out there. Now, I said I was straggling on the question book, but I’ve written a kids’ book that relates to the green glasses. So that would be an example of that’s probably the number one thing. If I don’t at least try to get that book out there and published in the kids’ hands, it’s K-6, then that’s a big loss. And so that’s weighing on me. And so that’s the one that I’d probably as I pull up this vision board this morning, like, I gotta get on that. So it’s just a reminder. I looked at this, I go, that’s the one thing I’d regret if I didn’t get that thing out in the world.

…[T]hat’s a tricky age. But they actually did a visual board with [my daughter], and she loved it, so we have it on her door. I thought she might be like “Dad, come on.” But she was very open to it. She loves it. Now, the [older daughter] wants one because she saw it on the door, so we’re going to do one with her, which helps because she was wrestling with a lot of activities. So she’s got volleyball, she [has] piano, she has golf and tennis, and then she’s like, I want to do cross country. She’s weighing if she should do it. And then, fortunately, she elected not to do it, because that’s a lot on her plate. But sometimes I go, we got to do that vision board, and you’ll see, well, what’s more important? Like, if you do cross country, you know? Or what’s more important, NCL, the charitable foundation you work for, all right? Well, if you do cross country, you don’t have as much time for that, so it’s a little easier for her at that age to see, and it’s true for adults too. Like, Oh, I’m just, I can’t add that piece in, because I’m gonna have to pull from over here. And this thing’s bigger than that.”


5x #1 Bestselling Author and Motivational Speaker Erik Qualman has performed in over 55 countries and reached over 50 million people this past decade. He was voted the 2nd Most Likable Author in the World behind the Harry Potter series.

Have Erik speak at your conference: [email protected]

Motivational Speaker | Erik Qualman has inspired audiences at FedEx, Chase, ADP, Huawei, Starbucks, Godiva, FBI, Google, and many more on Focus and Digital Leadership.

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About the Author: Erik Qualman

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