Entrepreneurship Meets Positive Psychology

Entrepreneurship Meets Positive Psychology with Aaron Marcum

Today, Equalman sits down with #1 Amazon bestselling author, Aaron Marcum. They discuss Aaron’s origin story, the power of positive psychology, how to avoid burnout, harmonious passion, top advice for entrepreneurs, and Aaron’s book, “EntreThrive – The Entrepreneurs Eight Laws to Accelerate Financial Freedom While Creating The Good Life”.

Need a sneak peek? Below are the main takeaways from the episode.

Entrepreneurship Meets Positive Psychology with Aaron Marcum

Episode Preview:

“…For example, boundaries with how I communicate. So just the other day, a vendor of ours somehow got my cell phone [number], a guy I really quite like. This gentleman, we have a really good relationship. And he sent me a text on my cell phone about some business thing, and I quickly answered it, and then I responded in a real compassionate way and said, “Hey, you know what? I don’t communicate via text when it comes to business. Now, can you take this to my email?” And I’m rigid about it, once you start going that way, then you start moving that boundary. And if you don’t check it, and keep checking back, and keep establishing that [boundary] you’re going to give in to a lot of these different distractions. And so I have boundaries. I have things on my computer that lock down my ability to get to Amazon. I have all kinds of things like that.

Equalman: What are the top two things you see most entrepreneurs [are overlooking]? What advice would help them “unlock” the most?

Yeah. I mean, there are so many things, right I could probably share… but it’s what comes to my mind right now that I think is really important. And it’s part of my third law, which is [what] I call entrepreneurial grit, or “entre grit”. Entre grit is based upon five different levels of grit. And so as an entrepreneur, when we’re first starting out, we’ve got to know where we’re at and understand that patience is required. And so the first level is curiosity, like we’re interested in whatever that is we have the idea we want to start and the second level is an interest. That’s when we start doing research. We start digging into the details, finding out if we really are interested in what we’re we’re doing. When I got into the home care space, I mean, I went through all of these things, and I wouldn’t say I was super passionate about home care out of the gate, I was curious. I was interested. And the third level is one that people tend to skip, and it’s the dangerous one, and that’s the practice. That’s the third level… we want our passion just to fall in our lap, and I think is way overused. Discover your passion. I think that’s a myth for most people, is that we first need to try it and practice it and work with it…”

Connect with Aaron Marcum:

Marcum founded Home Care Pulse in 2008, establishing new quality standards that revolutionized the home care industry. After exiting Home Care Pulse in 2020, he became an investor, and coach, and completed a master’s in Applied Positive Psychology at UPenn. This led him to discover his calling – helping home care entrepreneurs grow professionally and personally. Recently, Aaron published his #1 Amazon bestseller “EntreThrive – The Entrepreneurs Eight Laws to Accelerate Financial Freedom While Creating The Good Life.” His expertise as an entrepreneur, coach, author on entrepreneurial well-being, and home care business visionary gives him a powerful skillset for guiding others towards greater happiness in business and life. Aaron lives on the banks of the Snake River in Idaho with his wife and six children.

Instagram: @EntreThrive

Facebook: www.facebook.com/aaron.marcum.75

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaron-marcum



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The Super U Podcast is hosted by #1 bestselling author and Motivational Speaker Erik Qualman.

About the Author: Erik Qualman

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