Are You Hunting Mice or Antelope?
A lion’s attentive golden eyes can help us focus. Not only literally, but metaphorically. A lion is powerful and fast enough to catch and eat field mice all day. However, the lion burns more energy catching a field mouse than the field mouse provides in sustenance. The lion is best served to let the field mouse be and to focus his attention on hunting antelope. While more difficult to catch than a field mouse, the antelope provides enough nutrients for the lion and its entire pride. A lion can’t live on field mice, but it can live a long and happy life on a diet of antelope.
While it’s tempting for us to do the little, easy tasks like cleaning out our email inbox, this is our version of chasing field mice. In the short run, it gives us a nice, rewarding feeling. But, in the long run, it will cause us to wither up and die. A lion that spent its day hunting and eating field mice will slowly starve to death.
As previously discussed, while we want to take small steps to achieve our goals, we need to ensure these steps lead to the right thing, that they lead to antelope, not field mice. That we are achieving items that bring us fulfillment rather than ones that leave us empty and mentally starving.
We need to spend this month ignoring field mice and focusing on antelope. Doing so starts with a powerful two-letter word: NO.
If you want to read more, check out The Focus Project.
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