The Focus Project – AIIM21

Welcome AIIM21 Conference Attendees! We are thrilled and honored to offer you this special edition of The-Focus-Project-Title-Text



Welcome to The Focus Project, a book designed to provide answers and solutions to the challenges of focusing in an unfocused world. Combining street science and institutional research alongside his own personal focus project, Qualman delivers practical advice on doing the important things instead of a bunch of things. The following is a guide to pursuing less in order to achieve more–both personally and professionally. We should choose to focus on what matters most. This choice determines our success, happiness, health, and fulfillment. Successful and happy people understand it’s not about getting more things done, it’s about getting more of the big things done.
This special edition of The Focus Project is no longer available to download. You can get your copy on Amazon by clicking the link below.

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