10 companies using GPS

Many companies have discovered that using GPS to track their company vehicles and employees is a useful tool for saving time and money.  Here are 10 companies courtesy of Kate Croston that use GPS’s to track their employees.

  1. Trucking – Large trucking companies have tracking devices installed on all their vehicles to monitor them at all times. This helps ensure that deliveries are made on time and that their drivers are using the most efficient routes. They can also determine if their drivers are staying within the speed limits.
  2. Law enforcement – It’s critical for law enforcement to know where their vehicles and personnel are at all times. When a crime is called in, they know instantly who is in closest proximity so they can be dispatched more quickly. GPS tracking is often used to file reports and conduct investigations.
  3. Construction – Many construction companies have numerous company vehicles used by their employees. They need to know that their vehicles are used for company business and not for personal uses. They also want to make sure their employees are where they’re supposed to be when they’re on the job.
  4. Taxi service – Dispatchers for taxi companies use GPS to know where their vehicles are so they can get the most efficient use of them. The time and miles between fares is greatly reduced and also keeps their drivers honest.
  5. Utilities – Companies that have field service workers like telecommunications and power companies also use GPS tracking on their vehicles. This makes it easier to keep track of their workers, especially those who have large service areas.
  6. Fleet owners – Any company that has a large fleet of vehicles, such as plumbers and electricians, need to track them on a regular basis. They have a lot of money invested in their fleet and want to make sure employees aren’t misusing their equipment.
  7. Sales – Businesses with field sales professionals use GPS to get driving directions and implement last minute itinerary changes. This saves time and increases productivity of their sales staff.
  8. Delivery service – Any business that delivers anything from flowers to packages needs to use GPS tracking to improve efficiency. Drivers no longer need to rely on incorrect or vague directions to make deliveries and owners know where their employees and vehicles are at all times.
  9. Transit – Whether its airplanes, buses or trains, transit companies rely on GPS to make sure they are on schedule. They also have automated systems that announce upcoming stops and inform passengers of the vehicles route number and destination.
  10. Limousines – Even the hospitality industry has found the value of using GPS for tracking their limousine services. This improves customer service and ensures navigable routes for their oversized vehicles.

Employees of these companies have expressed privacy concerns about these tracking devices, but most are unwarranted. Businesses have every right to protect their assets and prohibit employee fraud and abuse. The cost of the GPS tracking system is far outweighed by savings to the company. Employees must be informed of the tracking policies up front and know they will be held accountable for any misconduct. GPS tracking gives employers a useful and cost effective tool to manage their fleets and workers efficiently and effectively.

About the Author: Erik Qualman

Often called a Digital Dale Carnegie and The Tony Robbins of Tech, Erik Qualman is a #1 Best Selling Author and Motivational Keynote Speaker that has spoken in 49 countries.

His Socialnomics work has been featured on 60 Minutes to the Wall Street Journal and used by the National Guard to NASA. His book Digital Leader propelled him to be voted the 2nd Most Likeable Author in the World behind Harry Potter's J.K. Rowling. Qualman is a sitting professor at Harvard & MIT's edX labs.

His latest book What Happens in Vegas Stays on YouTube is a Pulitzer Prize nominated work.
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